For resin, the minimum is extremely low, as low as 10 or 30 units. For vinyl, it is possible to sweet talk a factory into producing 500, but they would prefer to do no less than 1000, usually. A run of 500 will cost more, per unit, than 1000. For injection molded PVC or ABS, factories prefer to be in the 5k to 10k range or more.

Keep in mind that with all material options, there are “one time costs” such as modeling, paint masters, mold making and rapid-prototyping that affect the “per unit” cost. A 600 dollar print for a 10 unit run, sets the baseline for your per unit cost no less than 60 dollars each, and that’s before casting, painting, packaging, and shipping. A 100 unit run will drop that baseline to a much more manageable 6 dollars. This has a direct effect, obviously, on your retail price.

If you’d like to make your own line of toys, we’d love to help you get the ball rolling.
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